Our Trips

May Round Up

Based on the home place at the foot of the Wolf Mountains, this cattle drive takes place during our calving season. You can expect spring flowers, phenomenal Dutch oven cooking, relaxed mornings, to assist with roping, tagging and vaccinating new calves, and moving cattle to new pastures.

2024 Date: Arrive in Sheridan on May 19th, we pickup in the morning of May 20th, & we return you to Sheridan May 24th evening

Trip Price: $4,200

July Cattle Drive

During this trip, we trail the mother cows and their calves 45 to 55 miles high to their summer range. With the heat of summer, challenging terrain, and long distances this trip is easily one of our most intense, yet fulfilling trips. Breakfast can be expected at 3:30am, with camp packed and in the saddle before dawn. The day is done when the job is done.

In keeping with our ancestor’s tradition, the lodging will be 1800s style canvas wall tents and tepee tents. All meals are prepared using cast iron skillets and Dutch ovens. I know all outfitters think their cook crew is the best, but that is a lie. Our cook crew is truly the best. In addition to being phenomenal chefs, our chuckwagon crew is a bit on the lively side and has been known to play a prank or two. You’ve been warned.

2024 Early July Date: Arrive in Sheridan the day before trip starts on June 29th. We pickup the next morning for trip June 30th . Guests return home July 6th.

Trip Price: $5,140

2024 Exclusive Bear Trap Trip Date: Arrive in Sheridan on July 20th. We pickup the next morning for trip July 21st-26th. Guests return home July 27th.

Trip Price: $5,840

August Open Range Drives

On the Open Range Cattle Drives, we gather the cattle and move them to the next pasture in our rotation. Sounds pretty simple, but it is anything but that. With over 60,000 acres inside the boundary of our mountain allotment and only 7 pastures, it should tell you immediately that getting the cattle found in any one pasture is a major undertaking by itself. These trips take place entirely on the mountain in some of the most beautiful remote countries you have ever seen. The advantage to these trips is that the weather is generally the most stable, and since we have no humidity, the temperatures, in all likelihood, will be in the 70s or 80s. Since we have the cooler temperatures, we don’t have to have breakfast at 3:00 am like we do on our July Cattle Drive. This actually makes for a more restful trip. We can have breakfast in the neighborhood at 6:30 am and plan on being out of camp around 8:00 am. Like all of our trips, the day ends when we get the cattle to where we need to get them for the day. The riding on the Open Range trips is as challenging as any trip we do, and the hours in the saddle will equal any trips we do. I promise when you ride “Screamer Hill” or the “Oh sh*t Trail”, you will not feel unchallenged!  It may only be 4 miles as the crow flies to the next pasture, but 25 miles to trail the herd through rough country. You’ll trail through all kinds of terrain, from heavy pine timber stands to high alpine meadows and swampy areas that could bog your horse down. And like all of our trips, it is a go each day unless we were to have white-out blizzard conditions! That has only happened twice in 25 years, and both times, it was in the fall.

2024 Early August Date: Arrive in Sheridan on August 3rd. We pickup the next morning for trip August 4th - 8th. Guests return home August 9th.

2024 Late August Date: Arrive in Sheridan on August 17th. We pickup the next morning for trip August 18th-22nd. Guests return home August 23rd.

Trip Price: $4,795.00

September Cattle Drive

During the month of September, we will gather the high country of the Big Horn Mountains. Since ranching is a business, there will be some cattle taken off the mountain, but how many depends entirely on range conditions and economics. But that is why we are the number 1 cattle drive out there because ours are completely real! It could be the entire herd, or it could be the yearling heifers. If we take off any number less than the entire herd, it takes an entire day of cutting cattle on horseback. With the instruction from our top cattle handling people, you will be instructed and shown how to do it properly. If you are into team penning, you will learn more than you can imagine. It’s amazing, but half the people out there who own cattle don’t know the proper way to do it either. A cow never does anything without telling you what she is going to do before she does it. Are you cowboy enough to read it, then send the message to your horse fast enough, to either encourage or discourage what the cow just told you she was going to do? Come find out and improve your skills! These skills will also help improve your marriage!

2024 Date: Arrive in Sheridan on September 14th. We pickup the next morning for trip September 15th - September 20th. Guests return home September 21st.

Trip Price: $5,190.00

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